Software and Product Reviews

Read our new section on software and product reviews to get the scoop on what's hot in the computing and the gadget world.

Are you debating what software to install on your computer? With the wide array of choices in what operating system to install on your laptop to what anti-virus software to use, to what new hard drive to add to your wish list, it may get a bit overwhelming. Installing Office 365? Consider using Office 365 Trial for total service and end-user support around the clock.

Aside from operating systems, there are software programs for almost everything. Get to know what is out there and what is safe and effective to use. We've made it easy for you and added software and product reviews so you can know a bit more about the item before buying it.



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In 2003, more than 10 million Americans fell victim to identity theft.

Identity theft costs business and individuals $53 billion dollars annually

In 2003, Americans spent 300 million hours resolving issues related to identity theft.

70% of all identity theft cases are perpetrated by a co-worker or employee of an affiliated business.