Free Software: Comodo AntiSpam

Comodo is a company known for developing some of the best security solutions available.  Whether the task calls for keeping out malicious hackers, nasty infections from the internet or annoying spam, Comodo has you covered with solid protection. 


Comodo AntiSpam Desktop is a comprehensive, user-friendly, client-based application that has the power to completely eliminate spam from your email system.  This software makes use of an advanced user-authentication technology that features an efficient spam filtering algorithm to authenticate the identity of each sender attempting to deliver messages to your inbox.  Comodo AntiSpam Desktop currently supports all Windows operating systems and seamlessly integrates with popular mail clients such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape, Eudora and nearly any other POP3 application.  This software goes far beyond the competition by keeping these unsolicited messages away from your computer. 

Product Overview

Comodo AntiSpam uses a special pass-code that authenticates all senders attempting to deliver mail to your inbox.  All requests by your standard mail client to receive mail are intercepted by the Comodo AntiSpam Desktop functioning on your computer.  These messages are then retrieved from a server and authenticated individually.  If the sender of a specific email has already been given access, the message is immediately forwarded to your inbox.  If the sender of a specific email has been already blocked, that message can either be instantly deleted or placed in the QDB (Quarantine Database) for further review.  The choice is yours. 

The messages of unknown senders will be temporarily stored in the QDB and a special ASA (AntiSpam Alert) is automatically forwarded to the sender.  This message includes your pass-code that comes in the form of a graphic-based attachment.  The ASA message will ask the sender to respond by typing in their assigned anti-spam pass-code, a setup that is designed to be specifically readable by human eyes opposed to a spambot.  When the ASA is returned to the Comodo Anti-Spam software with the correct pass-code, the original message is instantly forwarded to your inbox.  That entry is then made into your ADB (Authentication Databse), allowing all subsequent messages from the sender to pass.

If the ASA contains the incorrect pass-code, the procedure is repeated for a set number of attempts at authentication.  If an accurate reply is not received, the sender will be ignored and the original email will eventually be deleted. 

Comodo AntiSpam Desktop is simple to install, easy to use and stays protecting you with frequent updates.  The program includes a plug-and-play installer component that allows you to access your spam-free email from any remotely configured machine running the Comodo AntiSpam software.  It also offers the easy configuration of internet bandwidth settings, newsgroups, a spam reporting utility, and settings that help you to recover from an unexpected system crash.  In addition, Comodo provides free updates of the product with each download. 

Conclusion: Solid Spam Protection

There are many anti-spam programs on the market today, both free and paid.  When looking for a product that lives up to it's advertised claims, you can feel comfortable with a product such as Comodo AntiSpam Desktop.  


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You can protect your computer from viruses without expensive software. Instead, follow these simple tips:

Stay up-to-date on all system updates.

Don't download any email attachments you weren't expecting.

Avoid freeware and peer-to-peer sharing sites.

Use alternative web browsers and email software.