How Computer Viruses Spread

Computer viruses are malicious computer programs. These are written with the sole intention of causing you grief or stealing your sensitive information. A virus is a type of malware and this simply means that it's not beneficial for your computer.

Not all computer programs are friendly. A virus is one example of nasty software which will make your computer less reliable and can even jeopardize your personal information.

The Spread Of Computer Viruses

Computer viruses have been around for a long time. In the past they used to spread whenever people shared floppy disks. Before the internet, the sharing of programs and data on floppy disks was very common.

Nowadays most viruses are spread through the internet. The net has made viruses spread much quicker and what once took days now takes hours. Computer viruses can replicate themselves and infect other files on your computer. This means that if your PC is infected with a virus then whatever files you share with other people could contain the virus.

Computer Virus Risk

Computer viruses are a major concern for anyone using a computer. There are a number of serious risks caused by these programs. Computer viruses will start to make your computer misbehave. Some viruses are harmless and simply make your computer do something slightly annoying.

However, there are also a number of very dangerous viruses which can put your entire identity at risk. Identity theft is a major threat which can affect anyone when they least expect it. Computers know a lot about you and viruses can help share this information with criminals.

A virus or Trojan could be all a hacker needs to learn all about you. They will be able to use this information to apply for credit cards and other loans in your name.

Protecting your PC

It's essential that you protect your computer against viruses as this will help to protect your identity. To protect your computer it's important that you install a virus scanner. It's also essential that you keep your virus scanner updated regularly. Choosing a reliable antivirus application which offers a subscription will ensure your PC is fully protected.

A firewall should also be used to ensure your PC is protected from hackers. The security of your computer is very important and isn't something that you should overlook.

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Identity theft comes in many forms.

A person\92s identity can be 'borrowed' for the purpose of creating fictional credit cards or a person\92s entire identity can be usurped to the point where they can have difficulty proving that they really are who they claim to be.

Up to 18% of identity theft victims take as long as four years to realize that their identity has been stolen.

There are many ways to protect your personal identity and many steps you can take to prevent your identity from being stolen:

*Never give out unnecessary personal information
*Never provide bank details or social security numbers over the Internet
*Always remain aware of who is standing behind you when you type in your personal credit codes at ATM machines and at supermarket checkout swipe machines.