Using Folder Guard for Password Protection

If you are looking for password protect to protect the resources in your Windows operating system, there is a piece of password protection software called Folder Guard that works with Windows XP and Windows Vista.

What is Folder Guard?

Folder Guard is password protection software that allows you to control resources in your Windows operating system and protect your folder and files from prying eyes. The software provides protection for your private folders, password protected data, personal files, and resources in your Windows operating systems such as items in the Start menu and your PC Control Panel.

Folder Guard Features

  • Hide Private Folders: Folder Guard contains a feature that allows you to hide password protected files and folders from all other applications such as Excel, Word, Office, and Windows Explorer. The files and folders appear to be virtually invisible to these applications until you unlock them with your password.
  • Removable Drive Protection: You can restrict access to your removable drives such as CD-ROM and Zip drives and other removable drives on your PC by configuring Folder Guard to allow or deny access to these drives. This provides protection against unauthorized program installations that sometimes have an accompanying virus. There is also a feature in the Folder Guard configuration that allows you to create and deny access for specific users.
  • Restrict Internet Downloads: You can set up restrictions in this feature to protect your PC against unauthorized downloads from the Internet by creating specific filters in the filter creation feature of Folder Guard. Once you create the filters you can protect the file itself against unauthorized access.
  • Control Panel Restrictions: Folder Guard allows you to restrict specific access to features in Windows Control Panel. This feature operates via the commands that are used by Windows for each file in the Control Panel.

You use the file extensions of the commands to restrict access. For example, if you want to restrict access to Display Properties, this file has an extension of .cpl, so you simply indicate the .cpl file in Folder Guard Control Panel restrictions and then label it as "no access."

In addition to restricting access in the Control Panel you can also disable access to the "Run" command from the Start menu to prevent users from running unauthorized programs on your PC.

  • User-Specific Restrictions: You can create different restrictions for different users of the PC via the password they use to log onto Windows. For example, a folder can be made visible with a certain log in to Windows and then it can be hidden when another user logs in. You can set these restrictions under "My Restrictions" in Folder Guard and it works with the built-in Windows user accounts.

Keep in mind that when you use Folder Guard you have to use it with caution because creating restrictions can render the PC inaccessible if you do not know what you are doing. Make sure you fully understand the way it works before protecting your system with this software.

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