Backing up on Windows

Whether you're new to a computer or an experienced user, one practice you should certainly familiarize yourself with is backing up and protecting the data on your system. This is especially true if you're using a Windows operating system. Although the system is full of great features, there are also a number of vulnerabilities that pose a potential threat to your data. Windows is much more susceptible to crashes and infections than systems such as Linux and the Mac OS X. Knowing everything that can go wrong, you should take every precaution to secure the data on your Windows system.

Backup early and often - It's a good idea to make a habit of backing up your data on a regular basis. Data isn't protected just because it's stored on your hard disk. A system crash, virus or drive failure can easily wipe out all of your important files. DO NOT put yourself in this position. Be sure to back your data up at least once a week; a daily schedule would be even better.

Keep multiple copies of your backups - You should never record data over a previous backup - make several copies so that you can rely on more than one version when necessary. If Windows happens to become unstable, this will help you to restore the system to a fully functioning point. Remember this - a problem remains a problem even when it's restored.

Backup what you need - A full system backup is preferred, but not a necessity. Backing up your entire hard drive is time consuming and is more practical for a business setting. Besides, all of your executable program files can be easily reinstalled from the original media if there is a problem. Backup specific files such as documents, photos and videos, emails, etc. These are typically items that you created on your PC and can't be restored. It is also a good idea to backup configuration settings for any applications you may use, along with critical Windows data in the system registry.

Staying organized - The practice of backing up is simplified when your files and folders are structured properly. You can backup your important files much easier when they are categorized into large folders, rather than being scattered as single documents throughout the hard drive. When it comes to quickly restoring your data, organization is the key.

Use backup software - A reliable backup software program will allow you to automate your weekly or daily backup tasks. This eliminates the hassle of manually copying your files and leaves a bit of room for error as a good program will notify you of any problems or incomplete saves. These applications come with many more useful features and are typically very affordable. Whether it's a commercial product or tools provided in Windows, an automated backup system makes this process much more desirable.

More often than not, a data disaster will occur at the most inopportune moment. Losing all of your personal data is never a good thing, but it can be avoided when taking the right precautions. Spare yourself time and frustration by backing up your Windows data in advance. Spare yourself time and frustration by backing up your Windows data in advance, using backup software for Windows


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