Warnings against Spam Products
When a message containing information on the latest wonder product hits your inbox, it is usually sent by an organization or individual that has no permission to send you email. Your email address may have been found on a list that the sender leased or purchased. Perhaps they found it through a service that you recently cancelled. In most cases, spam in this category does not pose a serious threat to your operating system or personal information. It is often sent by legitimate businesses that are hoping you will be interested in the product they are marketing. While these messages are not sent with malicious intent, they are unsolicited and often a huge inconvenience.
Spam for sale
Products found in a spam email may range from affordable music, sexual enhancements or even a quality computer program. The reason why people all around the world are sending unsolicited mail promoting their products is rather clear - profit. While most recipients will ignore these messages and even more will not even open them, spammers rely on that small percentage that may actually have a need for the product.
Unfulfilled promises
Then you have the treacherous spammer who is simply up to no good. Their product may seem useful on the surface, but actually has no real value. For instance, you may receive an email offering a guaranteed "quit smoking kit" or a "miracle diet pill." In a case where the product was intriguing enough to place an order, you may find that it doesn't live up to expectations. Some spammers will even charge you for an order and never deliver the merchandise. This is usually done to receive credit card and other personal information.
Spamming software
More advanced spammers also make good money by offering their services to those wishing to promote their products. They turn profits through the sale of software specifically designed for transmitting spam. These programs go as far as enabling users to easily customize messages according to their products. These high ranking spammers are also responsible for many of the email lists that are floating about the internet. They build these extensive lists by combing web pages, open proxy servers, and relays. Most of all, these spammers convince others that there is no harm in using this technique, leading many to believe that spamming is the path to financial freedom.
Unfortunately, many individuals begin their online business without fully understanding protocol and etiquette. Desperate to establish a faithful list of clients, they are very susceptible to spamming without even knowing it. Most of these beginners quickly become familiar with spam when their messages are ignored, when they receive complaints from the recipient, or are contacted by the service provider or the internet police.
Unsolicited messages promoting products is one of the highest ranking of all spam categories. Regardless of the intent or quality, these emails can be intrusive and annoying on any level. As with all spam, the best advice is to never open any email you didn't request. When the problem has grown out of control, you can always try an anti-spam program to filter out those questionable products clogging your inbox.
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