Data Encryption Pros And Cons

Although it seems like common sense to use data encryption in business and other entities for security, many organizations are opposed to encrypting data because of some of the obstacles involved with doing so.

Like everything else, data encryption has its pros and cons and businesses must look at all of the considerations to make an informed decision about encryption.

Data Encryption Pros

  • Separation: Data encryption allows the data to remain separate from the device security where it is stored. Security is included with the encryption which permits administrators to store and transmit data via unsecured means.
  • No Data Breaches: Data encryption circumvents the potential complications that accompany data breaches which provide ensured protection of intellectual property and other similar types of data.
  • Encryption Is On The Data: Because the encryption is on the data itself, the data is secure regardless of how it is transmitted. An exception to the rule can be transmission tools such as email because sometimes a typical email account does not provide the necessary security.
  • Encryption Equals Confidentiality: A lot of organizations are required to meet specific confidentiality requirements and other associated regulations. Encrypting data means that it can only be read by the recipient who has the key to opening the data.

Data Encryption Cons

  • Encryption Keys: Without a doubt, data encryption is a monumental task for an IT specialist. The more data encryption keys there are the more difficult IT administrative tasks for maintaining all of the keys can be. If you lose the key to the encryption, you have lost the data associated with it.
  • Expense: Data encryption can prove to be quite costly because the systems that maintain data encryption must have capacity and upgrades to perform such tasks. Without capable systems, the reduction of systems operations can be significantly compromised.
  • Unrealistic Requirements: If an organization does not understand some of the restraints imposed by data encryption technology, it is easy to set unrealistic standards and requirement which could jeopardize data encryption security.
  • Compatibility: Data encryption technology can be tricky when you are layering it with existing programs and applications. This can negatively impact routine operations within the system.

Strategic Planning

Since there are many points both positive and negative to consider, strategic planning for data encryption within an organization is the key. Without detailed planning, data encryption can easily become complex for the IT administrator to manage and complicated for the end users.

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