Database Security Issues: Database Security Problems and How to Avoid Them

A database security manager is the most important asset to maintaining and securing sensitive data within an organization. Database security managers are required to multitask and juggle a variety of headaches that accompany the maintenance of a secure database.

If you own a business it is important to understand some of the database security problems that occur within an organization and how to avoid them. If you understand the how, where, and why of database security you can prevent future problems from occurring.

Database Security Issues

  • Daily Maintenance: Database audit logs require daily review to make certain that there has been no data misuse. This requires overseeing database privileges and then consistently updating user access accounts. A database security manager also provides different types of access control for different users and assesses new programs that are performing with the database. If these tasks are performed on a daily basis, you can avoid a lot of problems with users that may pose a threat to the security of the database.
  • Varied Security Methods for Applications: More often than not applications developers will vary the methods of security for different applications that are being utilized within the database. This can create difficulty with creating policies for accessing the applications. The database must also possess the proper access controls for regulating the varying methods of security otherwise sensitive data is at risk.
  • Post-Upgrade Evaluation: When a database is upgraded it is necessary for the administrator to perform a post-upgrade evaluation to ensure that security is consistent across all programs. Failure to perform this operation opens up the database to attack.
  • Split the Position: Sometimes organizations fail to split the duties between the IT administrator and the database security manager. Instead the company tries to cut costs by having the IT administrator do everything. This action can significantly compromise the security of the data due to the responsibilities involved with both positions. The IT administrator should manage the database while the security manager performs all of the daily security processes.
  • Application Spoofing: Hackers are capable of creating applications that resemble the existing applications connected to the database. These unauthorized applications are often difficult to identify and allow hackers access to the database via the application in disguise.
  • Manage User Passwords: Sometimes IT database security managers will forget to remove IDs and access privileges of former users which leads to password vulnerabilities in the database. Password rules and maintenance needs to be strictly enforced to avoid opening up the database to unauthorized users.
  • Windows OS Flaws: Windows operating systems are not effective when it comes to database security. Often theft of passwords is prevalent as well as denial of service issues. The database security manager can take precautions through routine daily maintenance checks.

These are just a few of the database security problems that exist within organizations. The best way to avoid a lot of these problems is to employ qualified personnel and separate the security responsibilities from the daily database maintenance responsibilities.

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