5 Best Methods for Web 2.0 Security

Web 2.0 applications are becoming the next generation tools for improving productivity, worker communications, and customer service for companies and organizations. Although Web 2.0 applications are increasing productivity within organizations, they are also increasing the possibility of security threats due to increased usage. As a result, companies and organizations are implementing strategies to improve Web 2.0 security.

Web 2.0 Security Strategies

  • Validation of User-Input: When using interactive Web applications the user must validate their access through the use of a user-input validation screen. The screen provides the user with authorized access to interactive Web applications that are used by the organization. Some of the Web applications fail to perform comprehensive validation which opens up the program to attacks on the Web server and all connected components. This is the reason organizations perform evaluations of all of the Web 2.0 applications to discover any vulnerabilities in the validation process.
  • Default Configurations: Web servers are designed with default configurations that companies and organizations often neglect to reconfigure. The configuration includes administrative tools that are used with the Web 2.0 applications. If the default configurations are left in place, it is easy for hackers to detect weaknesses and exploit them. As a result, it is important for organizations to continually check the Web server for changes in these configurations and adjust them accordingly.
  • Encryption: When using Web 2.0 applications, the data passes through the Web where it can be intercepted by unauthorized users. This is the reason companies and organizations deploy encryption practices to secure the data while it is in transit.
  • Protected Servers: One of the Web 2.0 applications for making data access easier is online storage. Online storage makes it easier for users to access data from any location as long as they have access to an Internet connection. Although online storage has improved productivity, companies and organizations have had to implement strategies for securing the data on a protected server. If they use an online data storage service, research is necessary to determine if the service implements data security policies and encryption processes.
  • Application Changes: Whenever changes are made to the process of a Web 2.0 application, it is necessary for the company or organization to test and evaluate the application for any weaknesses that have occurred as a result of the changes or upgrades to the application. Additionally, it is necessary to keep the Web server updated with the latest security patches to ensure the data in the application is protected.
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