Are My Marketing Emails Spam?

If you run a business then you have almost certainly realized the importance of the internet. The internet is making it possible for businesses to promote themselves and market their products on a worldwide platform. Every business needs a website and more businesses are starting to look at email marketing campaigns.

Is it Spam?

If you want to send out marketing emails to people then you might wonder whether or not it will be considered as spam. This can be very confusing for many people. Spam is technically unsolicited email which means that nobody has actually asked to receive the messages.

It is vital that you make sure your marketing messages do not appear as spam. It's even more important that they are not spam. If you do spam people then not only will this cause damage to your business but it also leaves yourself liable to fines and even jail time.

Even if you're not technically spamming people you will want to make sure that your audience doesn't assume that you are. Make sure that your messages are different from common spam messages.

Standing Out From Spam

If you take some time reading spam then you will notice that they all have certain things in common. Actually, if you take a quick read through your email inbox then you should be able to immediately identify which emails are genuine and which are spam.

By knowing what makes a spam email look like spam then you should be able to apply rules to writing your marketing campaign. You should, for example, never use certain words. If you mention that they can get something for free in the subject line then this will almost certainly never get opened.

Stay Within The Law

Spam means that you send the message to people even if they haven't asked for it. That's why it's essential that you stay within the law. Make sure that you ask people to sign up to your mailing list. You will then have the opportunity to build up a very valuable mailing list to which you can market your products.

By only marketing your products to these people you are able to reduce the risk of upsetting people. You must also include an opt-out link in the emails so that people can decide not to receive the emails if they don't want to.

The can-spam act details a number of requirements which you must abide by in order to avoid spamming people without meaning to. Spam isn't welcome so make sure you don't add to it yourself.

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