
These days it seems like everyone is trying to get their hands on your money.

Some of the most dangerous among them are scammers. Scammers are people who try to get you to invest in their scheme in one way or another, only to disappear and offer you no payback for what you have given them -- whether it be time, money, or information. Sometimes they can string you along for years, always offering that big break or those big winnings. It all ends in lost time and money, disappointment and frustration -- this is the last place you want your hard-earned resources to end up.

Unfortunately, all too often people only see the rewards that scammers offer without pausing to examine the clues that they might be scammers. With their eyes filled with dollar signs and pots of gold, people will fork over a few dollars, or even their life savings in hopes of cashing in at the end of the rainbow. But most of the time if an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Luckily, we're here to help. On this site you can learn all you need to know about avoiding scams.

There are many types of scams you need to watch out for. These scams include:

  • literary scams
  • poetry scams
  • jury duty scams
  • chain letters and email scams
  • lottery scams
  • Nigerian scams
  • work at home scams
  • credit card scams
  • IRS email scams
  • Vector Marketing Scams
  • Paypal Scam
  • Missing Persons Scam
  • Envelope Stuffing
  • Work From Home Scams
  • Free Vacation Scam


But we've got you covered with information on all of them. Start learning now and avoid being taken advantage of later.





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86% of email addresses posted on websites are used by spammers to send unsolicited emails?

63% of all "Remove me from your list" requests are not honored.

Spam accounted for 80% of all e-mail received in 2004, up from 62% in 2003