Backing Up Your Website

You have taken measures to backup the sensitive data on your hard disk, but what about your website? This could be the actual web pages, pictures, system files or MySQL databases. If the data from your website is of any importance to you, this information should be backed up on a monthly, weekly or daily basis.

Backup starts with your web host

Most of us have registered for sites with web hosting companies. When looking for a service to host your site, it is important to carefully review all available features, mainly their backup functions. Be sure to inquire about this policy before subscribing to any web hosting service. You can take data security one step further by backing up the files of your website with a backup program such as WinBackup. This program will effectively take the data from your site and back it up on the storage medium of your choice.

Data backups offer benefits to website owners who want to effectively store multiple copies of web-based data in a secure location, and web hosting companies that have a need to backup all files and databases relating to the various sites they are hosting. The information backed up typically includes web pages, plug-in scripts, images, access logs, and databases. These backups may be stored on the hosting company's server, a disk image, or in a separate location with a remote storage provider. Additionally, website backups can also be stored on media such as CDs, DVDs or tapes.

Ensure easy access to website backup files

Website backups are a great solution for quickly restoring content that has been lost, corrupted or tampered with by unauthorized users. This is why it is important to have easy access to your backup files, whether they are stored on a remote server or an external medium. While you can't assure how long your web hosting company will be in existence, tape, DVD and CD media can last for years when handled and stored properly.

On the other hand, a web hosting company will remotely monitor the status of all sites on their server. If they notice that a site is dysfunctional because of a system crash or hardware error, the company takes immediate action towards recovery. When disaster strikes, an online remote storage provider will help you restore a website to reduce downtime and help to avoid the loss of databases, critical web content and revenue. Because of this, all three of these instances make great options for backing up the data on your website.

Many people these days prefer to do their shopping online. If a web site is known for experiencing technical difficulties due to a loss of data, the risks of losing clients and sales can be devastating. If your website consists of selling products and services, this data should be backed up consistently.

If your site is only backed up occasionally, it is a good idea that you switch to a routine system. By scheduling regular backups, you are ensuring the security of your information and that it will be continuously available to potential customers.

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