How to Protect Your Child from Viewing Online Pornography

Prior to the Internet it was much easier to protect your children from viewing pornography because pornographic publications were stored behind the counter where you had to request access to it. The Internet has removed some of the boundaries that once protected children from viewing pornography and inappropriate content.

With the explosion of the Internet, pornography is everywhere and is easily accessible with a click of the mouse. There are also many ways that your child can be exposed to pornography even when they are not seeking to view this type of content, thanks to malicious software and other programs that inadvertently display pornographic content without your consent.

As a concerned parent you do not want your child accidentally stumbling across a pornography site, so here are some precautions you can take to reduce the chances of your child accidentally viewing pornographic content.

Protective Steps You Can Take Against Pornography

  • Preview Websites: There are many websites that are designed to be kid friendly. Preview these websites to find out which ones are kid friendly, bookmark them, and then encourage your child to use those websites. The chances of your child accessing pornography on these sites are much less than that of a conventional site.

  • Use Search Engines That Are Kid Friendly: Porn advertisers are very aggressive and it is very easy to accidentally access porn through well known search engines such as Google. Use a search engine such as "Ask" that is specifically designed for use by kids and less likely to be favored by hackers and pornographic advertisers.

  • Enable Parental Controls and Internet Filters: Although this method is not completely foolproof, enabling parental controls and deploying an Internet filter helps prevent access to most of the pornographic sites.

  • Disable and ActiveX and JavaScript: There is a feature in your browser settings that allows you to disable JavaScripting and ActiveX. By disabling these features it will help to prevent pornographic advertisements from popping-up in front of your child and reduce the chances of your child accidentally getting hijacked to a pornographic website.

  • Be Careful with Downloads: If your child downloads music or multimedia files, make sure they are using a file-sharing program from a reputable site. Many pornography advertisers use unscrupulous file-sharing programs to install files on your computer that display pornographic advertisements and images.

  • Enable PC Security Features: In addition to setting parental controls, enable all of the security features on your PC and configure the security settings in your Web browser. Use a reputable antivirus program that includes spyware and adware removal.
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