Beware of the Types of Identity Theft

Identity theft continues to grow rampant both domestically and internationally. Last year alone, there were 8.4 million victims of identity theft in the United States, totaling nearly $50 billion worth of fraudulent financial activity.  For the average fraud victim, they are subject to financial debt in their name of nearly $6,000. 

Although credit card companies and financial institutions are prohibited from holding you responsible for an identity thief's purchases, clearing your good name and credit can be a monumental task.  It can take months and even years to clear your good name and financial standing - and in the interim, your credit score suffers, along with all of the major financial elements that revolve around your credit score, such as your interest rates or even the job you get. 

Empower yourself against the identity thieves by learning about the types of identity theft.  The more you know, the less the identity thieves can steal your financial goodwill.  The types of identity theft continue to grow and change each day, but at Spam Laws, we strive to keep you updated on the types of identity theft and how you can protect yourself.  Read through our sections discussion the types of identity theft, and know exactly how to keep the criminals out of your financial records.

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In 2003, more than 10 million Americans fell victim to identity theft.

Identity theft costs business and individuals $53 billion dollars annually

In 2003, Americans spent 300 million hours resolving issues related to identity theft.

70% of all identity theft cases are perpetrated by a co-worker or employee of an affiliated business.