Computer Virus & Worms: All You Need To Know

There are many different types of computer viruses and worms that can infect your hard drive and PC. Each type of virus has its own separate factors and means of infiltrating your hard drive which makes them different from each other. If you're wondering, read about What kind of virus is your computer most susceptible to? and How you could avoid this type of virus?

You have come to the right spot. Check out our article Computer Virus: The Types of Viruses Out There to read up on all the potential viruses crawling cyberspace. Learning about the different types of viruses will help you understand the best steps to take towards effective virus protection for your computer. Because first you’ll gain knowledge, and second this knowledge will help you better protect yourself from viruses that attack your PC or MAC. Visit our article Protecting Yourself from Computer Viruses to see how to avoid viruses from sneaky Trojan horse viruses to those relatively new Macro Viruses.

If you’re wondering why or who creates these pesky viruses that require you buy antivirus software that regularly scans your computer for intruders? To find out read our article The History of the Computer Virus to see how the first computer virus was created and what compels some people to make computer viruses and worms. Also, read about how viruses spread through spam and email and protect yourself before you are the next victim.


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Many Internet users are unaware that most anti-virus programs quickly become out of date as new and more sophisticated viruses enter the world of cyber-space everyday.

Anti-virus software must be consistently updated in order to remain effective. In some cases it is necessary to buy an entirely new program to help keep your computer virus free.

Most anti-virus programs allow you to update the original program by downloading the newest and most recent updates to their virus protection system. These updates can then provide protection for your computer against new strands of viruses waiting to infect your computer.