Prevent a Forgotten Password with a Password Reset Disk

If you have a lot of different passwords it is difficult to remember all of them without having to write them down and then keep them under lock and key. If you forget your password to your PC there is a way to retrieve it using a password reset disk which will provide you with access to your PC without having to go and look up your password or try to remember what it was in the first place.

How to Set Up a Password Reset Disk

To set up a password reset disk you should have a portable storage device plugged into your PC. If you are running your PC on the Windows operating system, here are specific instructions for setting up a password reset disk. Keep in mind that you must be logged on as an Administrator to configure the password reset disk.

  • Password Reset with Windows XP: If you are running your PC on the Windows XP operating system, click on "Start" on the main toolbar of your desktop and then select "Control Panel" from the pop-up menu. Once you have accessed the Control Panel, click on "User Accounts" and choose the account that you want to create the password reset disk for.

When the new window opens, choose "Prevent a Forgotten Password" from the menu. This will start the Forgotten Password Wizard. When the wizard box opens, simply click "Next" and make sure your portable storage device is inserted into the PC. Type the password into the "Current User Account Password" box and then click on "Next" to allow the Forgotten Password Wizard to create the disk. When the wizard is done, simply click "Finish" and then store the device in a safe location to protect your password.

  • Password Reset with Windows Vista: If you are running your PC on the Windows Vista operating system, click on the Windows icon on the main toolbar located on your desktop. When the pop-up menu appears, click on "Control Panel" and then select "User Accounts and Family Safety." Insert your portable storage device into your PC and then select "Create a Password Reset Disk" in the window that appears and then click "Next."

Choose the drive for the portable storage device where you want to store your password and then click on "Next." Type your current password into the "Current User Account Password" box and then proceed to click "Next." When the password wizard is done, click "Finish" and then place your portable storage device in a safe location to protect your password.

Although you have to make sure you place the portable storage device in a safe location just as you would if you write down the password in a log, it is still easier if you forget your password. If you forget your password and have no way of retrieving it, you face the possibility of reinstalling the entire operating system or calling on a professional that knows how to get into your computer without using the password.

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