How to Clear the Cache and Cookies in Mozilla Firefox

If you are using Mozilla Firefox to browse the Web, it is important to remember to periodically clear the cache and cookies to protect your security and privacy. Some users also opt to clear the cache and the cookies after every browsing session and before they close down the browser.

Over a period of time, your browser collects a history of websites that you visited and then keeps a list of files that you have downloaded. It can also save information that you have entered into text fields on the Web and store cookies that contain information about your preferences and browsing habits. If this information is left in your PC anyone with unauthorized access can view it, so it is important to clear the information out of Mozilla Firefox.

Clearing Cache and Cookies in Mozilla Firefox

Begin by opening your Mozilla Firefox browser and clicking on "Tools" on the main toolbar in the upper part of the browser window. On the pull-down menu choose "Clear Private Data."

When the "Clear Private Data" menu appears, place a check mark in all of the boxes in which you wish to clear the data. This will include browsing history, saved form and search history, cache, cookies, and saved passwords. When you are finished selecting the boxes click on the "Clear Private Data Now" button and when the window disappears, all of the files your browser has saved from your surfing activity will be removed.

Changing the Privacy Settings

You can also customize the Privacy Settings by clicking on "Tools" on the main toolbar at the top of your browser window and then choosing "Options" from the pull-down menu. When the window opens, click on the "Privacy" icon and then change the settings according to your preferences.

Changing the Cache Settings

Firefox stores websites that you frequently access so it does not have to retrieve the site every time you access it. It stores the frequently accessed pages in a cache. Although the larger the cache the quicker you can access pages, a large cache also takes up space on your computer's hard drive which can slow the performance.

To customize the size of the cache in Firefox, select "Tools" from the main toolbar in the upper part of your browser window and then choose "Options" from the pull-down menu. When the window opens, choose the "Advanced" icon and the click on the "Network" tab. You can then place a number in the "Use up to (number selection) MB of space for the cache." When you are finished adjusting the setting, simply click "OK."

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