The Lineup: Common Types of Spam

The word spam is widely associated with your email box, but how did those spammers obtain your address?  As spammers grow in their sophistication, their means of inundating your life with spam continues to grow - very creatively.  As an innocent victim, you may be subjected to forum spam, blog spam, and even referrer spam. 

Protect yourself and take preventative measures against spam - making your website, email, and internet experience much safer and more pleasant.  Read through our lineup of the common types of spam criminals, ensuring that you will easily spot one lurking around the browser corner.

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A computer crash can occur at anytime and on any computer.

By backing up your files--personal documents, financial records, and digital pictures--you can ensure that you will never loose your precious and irreplaceable information.

There are many ways one can back up a computer: special equipment or online programs, which are becoming increasingly popular, can help you to create a sort of 'insurance policy' for the protection of all of your computer-based data.