They’re Still Out There

Another scammer is surfing the net and may be seeking out your legitimate site as its next target.  Remember the general rule of business: If a deal seems too good to be true then it probably is.  With this in mind, we here at recommend that all website and blog owners beware of the contactthem scam.  Remain extremely diligent if the Contact Them Network contacts you.  It’s a scam!

How the Scam Works

The most common approach perpetrated by Contactthem is to offer websites and blogs $4800 for putting their links on your site.  Sounds like easy money right?  Well, as said before, making money is never that easy.  This scam will catch you and your innocent and trusting loyal readers in a web of deceit, lies and robbery.  For your readers who click on any of their links and become tempted to buy any of Contactthem’s services or products, they will be tricked into revealing the balance of their credit cards and charged, or really robbed, of this full amount from their cards.  As for the proprietors of the websites and blogs, they will be asked to sign up and down load Contactthem’s software before adding any links.  Of course, lots of personal information will be requested so that Contactthem can “personalize” their software for your site, i.e. make sure their scam will be designed to suite your site.  They then will send you a contract with very fine print.  The $4800 dollars you thought you would be paid doesn’t really exist.  Instead, you will receive a percentage of the sales produced from the links on your site—Translation: you can get a cut of the money robbed from your readers, and you can only receive this after paying a set up fee of $49.99.  Yes, can you believe that there are actually people out there who fall for this?

Heed the Warning

So, our trusting readers: beware.  As with any advertising venture, always check out the company that has approached you for advertising space on your website or blog.  Never post links to other sites and companies without being sure beforehand of the trustworthiness of these clients.  The reputation of your site and of the entire Internet community depends on your diligence because without our best efforts to protect our readers they will no longer trust us to click on web links.

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86% of email addresses posted on websites are used by spammers to send unsolicited emails?

63% of all "Remove me from your list" requests are not honored.

Spam accounted for 80% of all e-mail received in 2004, up from 62% in 2003