Types of Adware: BioNet

Malicious software, more commonly termed as malware, poses one of the most significant threats to any PC user with an internet connection.  Malware consists of various nasty infections such as computer viruses, worms and sneaky spyware.  Simple activities such as checking email messages or visiting a cool website could be very detrimental these days.  If caution isn't practiced, your computer can be easily infected by one of these destructive programs. 

Although the infections mentioned above are quite dangerous, there are two more malicious programs you certainly need to be aware of.  According to a recently study by top security experts, adware has infected more systems than any other form of malware, with the Trojan horse trailing in at a close second. 

Adware is defined as ad-supported software.  While it is not always malicious, it typically acts without a user's knowledge or authorization.  Many vendors offering free software bundle adware with their programs, a move done to earn revenue or recover development costs.  What has made adware so controversial is it's tendency to secretly monitor a user's activity and report data to other locations, a trait that has given it the label of spyware.  It also been responsible for flooding your screen with pop-up advertisements, creating additional toolbars and initiating spam. 

A Trojan is a deceptive program that purports itself as useful software.  When downloaded, it may install other malicious software, monitor activity, and in some cases, delete important files on your computer.  A program with characteristics of both a Trojan and adware should be considered as very dangerous, the situation with BioNet.    

What is BioNet?

BioNet is classified by a few security experts as Adware while others call it a Trojan - all have labeled as a stealth notifier.  When this malicious program is executed, BioNet uses a stealth connection to communicate with a remote server, giving notification that it has been installed.  It begins by secretly thieving your information and uploading it to various remote servers, enabling third-party vendors to send advertisements your way.  It has the ability to capture and record your keystrokes, often thieving usernames, passwords, snapshots of your monitor and data from instant messaging sessions.

BioNet carries the true form of a Trojan by downloading other programs on your system.  It has also been known to change browser settings, redirect users to other locations and also use a victimized machine to execute denial-of-service attacks.

Removing BioNet

Whether it's called a Trojan, spyware or mild adware, BioNet is a very hostile program capable of completely controlling your system; immediately removing it is imperative.  It is important to know that before any of BioNet's files can be deleted, all of it's processes must be stopped.  This needs to be done to stop the madness of pop-ups and allow you to work without interference.  To stop these processes, follow the instructions below: 

Press "CTRL", "ALT", "DEL" to open your Windows Task Manager

Click on the "Processes" tab at the top of the screen

Scroll down the list and find those related to BioNet

Right-click on each process and then select "End Process "

To keep your computer safe from BioNet and other malicious adware, it essential to implement reliable security.  This includes a firewall program to keep intruders out along with some form of anti-spyware software to detect and remove the infections.  

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