How Wireless Routers Work

A router is a device that is used to connect a group of computers together on a network and provides connectivity to other resources such as the Internet and server application connections. Different types of routers are used for different purposes and a wireless router is primarily used to establish wireless connectivity within a network.

How Wireless Routers Work

A wireless router can be used to transfer or share data on a group  of computers that are connected to a network. The networks include local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN). Wireless routers are also used for WiFi hotspots for public Internet access areas.

There are several different types of routers which perform different functions for the home environment and the enterprise environment. Wireless routers that are used for home networks are designed for small coverage areas and for connecting a small number of computers to a home network. Wireless routers that are used for a home network have a shorter range in the connection between the router and your computer.

Wireless routers that are designed for large businesses and organizations function the same way home network routers do except the range capability is far greater because office applications require wider coverage and the access area is much larger. Although they provide wireless capability over a large range they are also equipped with Ethernet ports to provide the option of a cable connection to the network.

How Wireless Routers Are Used

Wireless routers are used to share an Internet connection among multiple computers without having to deploy a splitter box to establish Internet connectivity for more than one computer.

Wireless routers also allow you to easily access VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) from voice providers. A VoIP application allows you to talk to others over the Internet through programs such as Skype without the exorbitant telephone bill.

If you have a broadband connection in your home, a wireless router can be used to provide more mobility because it converts the broadband connection into a wireless connection for the PCs on your home network. The same concept applies to large organizations that use wireless routers.

Wireless routers are also used for public Internet access points and allow Internet connectivity by computers that are equipped with WiFi capability. WiFi capability means that the PC is equipped with a preinstalled network adapter card which establishes mutual frequency ranges for transmitting data over a network.

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